2020 was a year, the likes of which none of us have ever experienced and know what to expect from. Restrictions, lockdowns, travel bans bring the dreaded Covid-19 curve down, people start breathing easy, governments relax, only to find Covid-19 making a comeback. Wave after wave, different mutations, each deadlier than the one before. The hope of vaccinations is another untold story that creates itself as the vaccine’s efficacy on people becomes known.
1 year | 12 months | 365 days
2021 is like watching a movie called COVID-19 – Part 2! just that it’s not a movie. The entire world is a set.
Each one of us, child or adult, is living with the fear of becoming a victim, watching someone close and personal who is facing a tragedy or loss. Entire school years have been impacted. After a year, children are yearning, and are desperate to be in school instead of glued to computers. What do you say or do for them?
My son graduates from school this year. He is studying hard for his end year exams, applying to universities, but is upset, feels cheated. This is not how school life was supposed to end.
Amidst this bleakness, my journey from poor business and personal health, low-self care, high anxiety to enjoying a better quality of all of the above feels surreal. I managed to beat every low, and make a comeback in a Covid-19 infested reality. I feel deeply grateful to each and every person who helped me, the Universe and also ME. Yes, if there’s one thing I’ve learnt, that is to develop gratitude and be thankful for myself. My story has to start with me. Unless I don’t include myself, I will not receive the joy of this moment, today, and cannot partake in others. And the opposite is equally true. Creating joyful moments, success, and sustaining it is not only possible, but fun filled, if you value yourself.
When I reflect on the past 6 months, I realise that as wonderful as the success sounds, in the beginning, it was perhaps one of the toughest acts to sustain. I used to wonder why! now I know. My sense of gratitude and joy for myself was not as high as it is today, so my commitment and self-belief would be shaky. I felt exhausted by a day’s work, that now, I enjoy immensely. I remember showing up for the classes with my coach, working on my website, planning workshops with a heaviness. It was only a stubborn belief that I would discover myself on this path that kept me going. And all these, while my health curve dipped from high to low. I was still recovering from the bronchial bouts from March 2020.
March – September 2020 are a clear picture of things moving extremely slowly, falling ill frequently and having to slow down or stop working so I could recover.
Iti Chausali – Digital Marketer
These 6 months were like a new day dawning after a long dark night. Suddenly the pace picked up. I felt lighter on my feet, my body cooperating, work flows smoothening out. People started showing up that allowed me to work more efficiently.
Iti and I connected via Facebook. A social media management professional, she enjoys her working with a combination of her instincts and skills. That makes two of us. Literally a case of the universe connecting dots to bring people with similar vibes together!
Entrepreneurship is now awesomely creative compared from the draining burnout I was going through. I was simply doing too much. Working is way more fun with Iti on my team. She has my back!

Neeraj Goyal – Developer
Iti introduced me to Neeraj Goyal, whom I have come to know in the last 5 months as a focused and driven individual, giving his best and demanding the same from me.
I see him as a technical wizard, who has got my website humming way more effectively than before. He goes out of his way and is there, consistently, ensuring that glitches are resolved quickly. I value and respect his experience and technical skills, and consider myself lucky to have him on my team!

Ruchika Handa – Founder, Labonie – The Essence of Elegance
My day was filled with more joy, and I had this enthusiasm. I wasn’t chasing things any longer. I had appreciated myself even when I was tired and felt that I hadn’t “DONE” much. This self-love energised and healed me to my core.
I am spending quality time with my children, enjoying working out.
The more I value myself, the more ease and fun in my life show up!

Iti Chausali – Digital Marketer
These 6 months were like a new day dawning after a long dark night. Suddenly the pace picked up. I felt lighter on my feet, my body cooperating, work flows smoothening out. People started showing up that allowed me to work more efficiently.
Iti and I connected via Facebook. A social media management professional, she enjoys her working with a combination of her instincts and skills. That makes two of us. Literally a case of the universe connecting dots to bring people with similar vibes together!
Entrepreneurship is now awesomely creative compared from the draining burnout I was going through. I was simply doing too much. Working is way more fun with Iti on my team. She has my back!

Neeraj Goyal – Developer
Iti introduced me to Neeraj Goyal, whom I have come to know in the last 5 months as a focused and driven individual, giving his best and demanding the same from me.
I see him as a technical wizard, who has got my website humming way more effectively than before. He goes out of his way and is there, consistently, ensuring that glitches are resolved quickly. I value and respect his experience and technical skills, and consider myself lucky to have him on my team!

Ruchika Handa – Founder, Labonie – The Essence of Elegance
My day was filled with more joy, and I had this enthusiasm. I wasn’t chasing things any longer. I had appreciated myself even when I was tired and felt that I hadn’t “DONE” much. This self-love energised and healed me to my core.
I am spending quality time with my children, enjoying working out.
The more I value myself, the more ease and fun in my life show up!
I also became aware that I was going back to an old habit of becoming complacent or aggressive and pushy. There is a difference between self care and being aggressive. The older version of me knew how to push myself hard, and suffer for it, physically and mentally, later. I am extremely lucky and grateful to Access Consciousness® that has actually saved me from rebounding into the old patterns after regaining my health.. As a facilitator, I empower people to include their simple tools in daily living so they can raise the quality at this level. The bigger stuff follows on its own. And I ensured that I kept using them to show up as my best self, instead of pushing, as if life was a heavy wagon that would only move if pushed and shoved.
There was no way I could give and sustain a high performance day after day if I wasn’t my own inspiration, creating from self-love.